While a rechargeable lantern will save you money on batteries, keep in mind it might be less convenient than swapping batteries if you’re trying to use it away from an electrical outlet or during a power outage. Kids’ lanterns tend to use two to four AA or AAA batteries, but you can find lanterns with built-in rechargeable batteries too. In contrast to adult-sized lanterns that may use other energy sources, such as fuel, kids’ lanterns usually stick with batteries to keep things safe. You’ll usually find a hook or clip for hanging or carrying the lantern around, but sometimes there’s a handle that might fold down when not in use. They are usually made of plastic in various colors and are often sturdy enough to handle more rugged play. Many of them resemble smaller versions of adult lanterns but keep things simple with just one button to press. You’ll find that kids’ lanterns come in various designs that fit little hands and are easy to use. Some lanterns also have special effects that project images to keep your kid entertained when lying down to sleep. The light can not only help your child find their way when outside at night but also during emergencies like power outages and can even help them get over a fear of the dark. Getting your kid an appropriate lantern can come in handy whether you have plans for nighttime activities or you simply want to encourage imaginative play.